Wednesday, March 19, 2014

How to be a successful Multi-cultural Teacher

Something clear in todays classrooms are there is a variety if types that make up the class. There are students with different cultures, some of different races,  and some with disabilities. You being the teacher it's your role to learn to deal with your students strengths and weaknesses and educate them.

Get to know you students

When you have a student from a different culture you may not be aware of what this student is used to. This culture they come from may have different believes, behaviors, traditions and values. Now that it's your job to teach them it's important that you understand them and that they feel like they can relate to you. Educating yourself on this culture would be very beneficial in the long run.

Make sure your students know each other 

There is a lot of working together during the elementary years of school. Make sure your students have an idea of what makes each student unique/special. Do a lesson on cultures and allow the students to talk about what values/traditions their families have. This will let the students get to know each other and also help you get to know them all better.

Create a judgement free Zone

Students need to realize just because someone is different from them does not make that person weird. Teaching your students this at a young age will stick with them their whole life. In this day  and age there is such variety of people living in one area that there is no room for being judgmental or racist. Your role in teaching this can make a huge difference in their views of the world.

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