Wednesday, March 19, 2014

How to be a successful Multi-cultural Teacher

Something clear in todays classrooms are there is a variety if types that make up the class. There are students with different cultures, some of different races,  and some with disabilities. You being the teacher it's your role to learn to deal with your students strengths and weaknesses and educate them.

Get to know you students

When you have a student from a different culture you may not be aware of what this student is used to. This culture they come from may have different believes, behaviors, traditions and values. Now that it's your job to teach them it's important that you understand them and that they feel like they can relate to you. Educating yourself on this culture would be very beneficial in the long run.

Make sure your students know each other 

There is a lot of working together during the elementary years of school. Make sure your students have an idea of what makes each student unique/special. Do a lesson on cultures and allow the students to talk about what values/traditions their families have. This will let the students get to know each other and also help you get to know them all better.

Create a judgement free Zone

Students need to realize just because someone is different from them does not make that person weird. Teaching your students this at a young age will stick with them their whole life. In this day  and age there is such variety of people living in one area that there is no room for being judgmental or racist. Your role in teaching this can make a huge difference in their views of the world.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I chose to make a collage of the milestones of my life. The first picture is of some of my family. Although this is not a personal milestone I wanted to add it because these are the people I grew up with. They are the people that helped me overcome many challenges and they're the people that have helped shape the person I am. I truly believe family is the most important thing a person can have.Graduating High School is such a bittersweet moment in a persons life. Prom was a very exciting time in my high school career. It is definitely a memory I will never forget. Lastly, I decided to add two milestones that I have not yet reached. One represents my career goal of becoming a teacher and the other represents my wedding day. I look forward to these events in my life and the many other milestones I will have.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What Makes Someone a Good Teacher?

Teaching is not a career that just anyone can do and be good at. It requires passion with your heart being in it 110%.  Growing up I've been blessed with some wonderful teachers. They came in each day with a well-planned lessons and fun activities to keep the students attention. They were always giving it all their heart and were able to always keep their students interest.
Ms. Teacher Appreciation Gift:  Put this free printable from Bitsy Creations in a cute frame.

Teacher FREE Printable and Plaque Idea - perfect for teacher appreciation week!  #teacher #teacherappreciation #teachergift #gift #free #craft
Just because you are smart does not mean you can teach. As a teacher you need to be able to connect with your students first. When you're enthusiastic about the topics you're covering the students will feed of it and it will inspire them to want to learn more. It's important to encourage your students to try new things. Praise them when they're doing well and when they're struggling guide them to where they need to be. You're influencing young minds and shaping their opinions of learning. Young students come in with a clean slate and their teachers and their experiences are the factors that form any negative or positive feelings about school.  

The number one quality a teacher can have in my opinion is patience.You may have to explain something 10 different ways before it clicks with a student. The key is to keep a positive attitude while they figure it out and never give up on them. When you give up on a student YOU are failing as a teacher.

Websites that I got ideas and motivation from:

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

About the Blogger

Welcome to my blog! Learning To Teach Young Minds is my way of sharing my thoughts and experiences while I become a teacher. To let you guys get to know me a little better i'm going to share 10 things about me

1. I'm 20 years old.
2. I'm the youngest daughter of three.
3.I'm a caffeine addict.
4. I'm always reading something.
5.Since I was in second grade I have wanted to be a teacher.
6. I'm a Salem State University student. GO VIKINGS!
7. I love to cook. I have been making dinners for my family since I was 11 years old.
8. I have two jobs. One at an elementary school and the other at Planet Fitness.
9. My weak subject in school has always been spelling. Something I hope to help my future students with.
10.If I get the choice I hope to be a second grade teacher. 

To be an effective teacher could change a students life forever. You are setting the tone on how your students are going to feel about school at a young age. If you are encouraging, enthusiastic, and thoughtful you will show that learning is fun.

My favorite website to get teaching tips, supplies or inspiration is :